About Trees Ltd – Kent Tree Surgeon


Equality Policy

Introduction – Our Equality Policy

At About Trees Ltd., we recognise and celebrate the diversity of the communities we serve and understand the vital importance of inclusivity and equality in all aspects of our work. Our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion is rooted in our belief that a diverse workforce, treated equitably and included in decision-making, fosters innovation, creativity, and a deeper understanding of our clients’ needs. This policy outlines our comprehensive approach to ensuring a welcoming, fair, and inclusive environment for all employees, clients, and partners.

Policy Statement

About Trees Ltd. is steadfast in its commitment to promoting diversity, ensuring equality, and fostering an inclusive culture for all employees and applicants without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where everyone’s rights are respected and where any form of discrimination, harassment, or exclusion is actively opposed.


Promote an Organisational Culture that Embraces Diversity and Equality**: Cultivate an environment where individual differences are valued, and all employees are treated equitably and with respect.

Ensure Equal Opportunities in Employment**: Guarantee fairness in recruitment, career progression, training, and rewards for all employees, addressing and eliminating any barriers to equality.

Inclusivity and Equality in Service Delivery**: Ensure our services are accessible, equitable, and accommodating to all clients, reflecting the diversity of the community we serve.

Supplier Diversity and Equality**: Commit to supporting diversity and equality among our suppliers and contractors, recognising the value of diverse and equitable perspectives in enhancing our business.


Recruitment, Selection, and Promotion**: Adopt inclusive, transparent procedures designed to promote diversity and equality. Job advertisements will welcome applications from all, and selection criteria will be based solely on skills and competencies relevant to the role.

Training and Development**: Provide comprehensive diversity, equality, and inclusion training to all employees, fostering an understanding, respect, and appreciation for diversity and equality within the workplace.

Workplace Adjustments**: Make reasonable adjustments to ensure our workplace is inclusive, accessible, and equitable for employees with disabilities or other needs.

Complaints and Grievances Procedure**: Implement a clear, accessible process for employees to raise concerns or complaints about discrimination, bullying, harassment, or any equality issues. All complaints will be treated with the utmost seriousness and investigated promptly and thoroughly.

Monitoring and Review

The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored continuously, with an annual review to assess its impact and effectiveness. Employee, client, and partner feedback will be integral to informing ongoing improvements.


Every member of About Trees Ltd. is responsible for contributing to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. The Directors hold overall responsibility for implementing this policy, with managers ensuring its application within their teams.

This policy has the full endorsement of the senior management of About Trees Ltd. and has been developed in alignment with best practices, including those outlined in the “Diversity and Inclusion: Strategy and Policy Guidance Advice.”


At About Trees Ltd., we believe that our strength is in the diversity and equality of our workforce. By adhering to the principles outlined in this policy, we commit to creating an environment where everyone is treated equitably, with respect, and where every individual has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

To read our other Policies including Working At Height, Wildlife and Ecology, Health and Safety and Insurance, please click here.

About Trees Ltd. Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Policy

Date: March 2024