About Trees Ltd – Kent Tree Surgeon


Morgan – Climbing Arborist

An introduction to…
Morgan has been with us quite some time and is really doing well in his career progression. He has been a qualified as an Arborist for over 1 year now and is constantly hungry to climb trees and increase his already good skills further.He has really supposed us all with his abilities already and no doubt will make a pretty special Arborist.
Junior Arborist..
As our Junior Arborist Morgan has to carry out many low level tasks, but as often as possible the team members will give him more exciting tasks to undertake. He is responsible for checking the correct gear in on the truck and that the team leaves site clean and tidy. He is also with us to learn his new trade. Hopefully these skills will last a lifetime.
Personal bio…
Morgan is mad keen on cars, he visits lots of car shows loves driving his recently purchased BMW. He is also a qualified RYA coach, regularly teaching people to sail at the weekends.

Charlie – Groundsman and rescue climber

An introduction to…
Charlie studied Arboriculture at Capel Manor in North London, he is a very accomplished Groundsman who is equally at home lowering massive sections of wood on lowering devices or dragging piles of brushwood (OK, no -one is happy doing that!), the point is, he gets stuck in and works until the task in hand is complete, finished and done. `He’s instrumental in reading the job sheets and loading up the trucks with the correct gear so the day can run smoothly.
Groundsman and rescue climber…
Charlie is qualified to use many pieces of equipment on the ground, but he also is a qualified rescue climber, making him a vital treat member.  The groundsman is crucial in the smooth running of a job, their knowledge on the ground is so important as they sometime need to be able to second guess the climber up the tree.
Personal bio…
Charlie is a keen motorbike racer and regularly spends his weekends racing dirt bikes on tracks throughout the South. By all accounts he’s not too bad at it either…. well that’s what he says.

Wayne Elwell -25+ years in and still loving it

An introduction to…
Wayne Elwell -After spending some time traveling the world in my younger days, I decided it was time to set a career path in motion. I realised that I had always been most happy out side. The prospect of not experiencing the elements didn’t excite me. I’m a hands on person and shortly realised that Tree Surgery was the job for me. My wife and I moved from London to Hampshire and studied Arboriculture at Sparsholt college. This was very nearly 26 years ago.

I have been lucky to work with very talented Arborists over the years and picked up many amazing techniques. Ten years ago I decided to set up about…trees. Whilst it’s not been 100% plain sailing I’ve never looked back, always being supported by my wife. This has seen my job role change from being a Climbing Arborist to more of a Manager. My role is to win work and make sure things go according to plan. We have a small team of 4 talented members, the team work very well together and a really good ethos has developed company wide. The loyalty between myself and the lads I think is second to none. We are now a Limited Company and have large and still growing client base. I’m always proud of our achievements.

Personal bio…
On a personal level, I’m a keen music fan, actually an obsessive music fan. I’m always buying new albums and boring friends making them listen to them. I’ve DJ’d a few times at local events, clearly I’d say they were raging successes, but I’m sure others may disagree. I have a keen hobbie in photography but most of out time is taken up socialising and spending time as a family.

Max – Team Leader – Climbing Arborist

An introduction to…
Max has been in the industry for over 15years. He is a very talented arborist that has dealt with most eventualities. He spent many years climbing the biggest and best trees in and around London as a contract climber. We are immensely happy to have him as part of the crew, the team appreciates his knowledge and willingness to pass it on.
Climbing Arborist…
Max will be able to carry out the trickiest of tasks. Technical tree work is where he shines, he can carry out work to the highest standard at speed, meaning incvonvencance is kept at a minimum. Max studied Arboriculture at Merritt Wood in Guildford. Please take a look at the Portfolio page to see the quality of work the team provides.
Personal bio…
A huge music, Max finds time to Dj in and around Kent, putting on club nights at many different venues.