About Trees Ltd – Kent Tree Surgeon


Wayne Elwell -25+ years in and still loving it

Our Team

Wayne Elwell -25+ years in and still loving it

An introduction to…
Wayne Elwell -After spending some time traveling the world in my younger days, I decided it was time to set a career path in motion. I realised that I had always been most happy out side. The prospect of not experiencing the elements didn’t excite me. I’m a hands on person and shortly realised that Tree Surgery was the job for me. My wife and I moved from London to Hampshire and studied Arboriculture at Sparsholt college. This was very nearly 26 years ago.

I have been lucky to work with very talented Arborists over the years and picked up many amazing techniques. Ten years ago I decided to set up about…trees. Whilst it’s not been 100% plain sailing I’ve never looked back, always being supported by my wife. This has seen my job role change from being a Climbing Arborist to more of a Manager. My role is to win work and make sure things go according to plan. We have a small team of 4 talented members, the team work very well together and a really good ethos has developed company wide. The loyalty between myself and the lads I think is second to none. We are now a Limited Company and have large and still growing client base. I’m always proud of our achievements.

Personal bio…
On a personal level, I’m a keen music fan, actually an obsessive music fan. I’m always buying new albums and boring friends making them listen to them. I’ve DJ’d a few times at local events, clearly I’d say they were raging successes, but I’m sure others may disagree. I have a keen hobbie in photography but most of out time is taken up socialising and spending time as a family.