A tree preservation order is made by the local planning authority which makes it an offence to cut down, reduce, crown thin, uproot, willfully damage or willfully destroy a tree without permission from the planning authority. Tree preservation orders are used to protect trees that contribute to the appearance (amenity value) of an area. They are made if a tree is under threat of being cut down or damaged.
Category: About Trees FAQs
What is the purpose of a tree preservation order?
A tree preservation order protects trees that make an impact on their local surroundings. This is important when trees are in immediate danger.
How much access do you need?
For certain operations, such as stump-grinding a minimum of 36 inches is required for us to get our machine in, generally a normal sized alleyway will do.
How do I know if my tree is protected?
about…trees will inquire for you with the local council upon accepting the quote.
How much noise will you make and for how long?
Tree surgery is an inherently noisy trade, with chainsaws and wood-chippers operating in normally quiet residential areas. There will be some disruption but we will try to keep it to a minimum and for the shortest time possible.
Will you make the worksite safe?
Yes we will endeavour to keep the safety of the site our priority, if needs be we will tape off areas of the site and signs will be erected telling the public of the dangers. We can arrange for prior warning to be given to relevant parties, neighbours etc.
On a busy road – how will the traffic be organised? And is the council notified?
The relevant Highways regulations will be adhered to and if your council needs to know that traffic flow may be disrupted we will tell them and arrange appropriate traffic control.
How will a diseased tree affect the trees within the area?
It depends on what disease the effected tree has, some diseases spread by root to root contact, others through the air. Generally speaking healthy trees are well prepared to cope with attacks from diseases.
Do you have environmental policies?
about…trees strongly supports tree planting and encourages it on every contract. We have in-house tree planting schemes, we always use re-cycled paper and use e-communication as much as we can. Woodchips are re-cycled as are logs. We use Bio-oil in our chainsaws and try to use handsaws rather than chainsaws.
Can you replant a tree in the same place?
There may be a reason why the tree has been removed and the replanting in the same place may not be advisable. However we will happily replant a new tree in a suitable place in your garden,(at an extra cost).