About Trees Ltd – Kent Tree Surgeon


Case study portfolio

CAse study portfolio

A most amazing tree

Anyone fancy playing a little game of “Spot the Arborist” ? I’ll give you a clue – he’s in a most amazing tree,  a Pinus radiata  – Monterey pine.
This tree was home to at least 5 different types of fungi, bee’s nests, too many different types of insects and grubs to mention, birds & no question of a doubt bat’s roosts galore. It’s a real ecosystem reaching for 70ft+ into the wintery blue sky. It’s majesty is second to none, I climbed it over 8 years ago and have never forgotten it. Now the lads have shared the same experience.
These are the trees that make our job quite simply breathtaking.

What were we doing?
We were asked by the owners of this tree, situated in a private Pinetum near Faversham to climb it and several others. Our mission was to inspect the trees and make recommendations on their on going management. We were looking for deadwood, structural defects and much more. This tree is classified as a Veteran tree, it really is a most amazing tree. For more information on Veteran trees look at What is a Veteran Tree?

What were our findings?
Well, these trees, whilst old were sound and very little needed to be carried out to them. It wasn’t a waste of time, it was an honour to climb such amazing trees and the views from the top were awesome. We have suggested that they are climbed again annually. They will be around for many more years for people to wonder at as they pass them. As you can see the sun was out and the skies blue, it was a good day to be an Arborist.
If you have any Veteran, or even young trees that you would like decent honest advice on, don’t forget you can always contact About Trees

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