About Trees Ltd is happy to announce that the fourth largest vineyard in the country has signed up to our tree care services.
Eye catching figure that isn’t it? It doesn’t refer to About Trees Ltd being the 4th largest in the country in terms of tree care, although we do think big. It’s to do with our latest job on the estate of the 4th largest in the country in the world of grape growing.
It’s an honour…
…to be asked by a vineyard that is the 4th largest in the country to help them out with their tree management issues.
Like us all grapes enjoy the sun, and also like a lot of us they do not like the wind. Trees are planted as shelter belts to stop the wind from damaging the valuable crop. After time the trees on this site had become too tall and had started to affect the amount of sun hitting the fruit.
Time to fell the trees?
No, it’s time to retain the old Alders but time to manage them also. Alnus spp. are pretty hardy trees and will regenerate from fairly hard pruning. So that’s what we are doing. We are carefully reducing the height and spread of these trees so they can be of benefit to the crops and even the local wildlife.
When these people trust you…
…you know you are doing something right. If you have tree management issues that require our tree care services, then get in touch with About Trees Ltd today.